Our Wednesday Bible Study starts at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall led by Pastor Ryan.
Seneca Baptist Sunday School is a vital part of Seneca Baptist Church. We are focused on becoming a Great Commission Sunday School and plan to accomplish this goal by Reaching, Teaching, and Ministering to church members and guests. We invite you to get involved in a small group on Sunday mornings at 9:00. Sunday School is an excellent way to get plugged in at Seneca Baptist Church, get to know other church members, and be ministered to.
Adult Sunday School Classes:
The Journey, Co-Ed, 30s-40s+
Joe Melton Conference Room
Exchange, Co-Ed, 50s+
Ken Hemphill A-204
Gateway, Co-Ed, 60s+
Steve Hall A-205
SonLight, Co-Ed, Adult Special Needs
Laura Price D-212
Rich-Dillard Class, Co-Ed, 50s+
Lynn Wilson D-210
Encouragers, Co-Ed, 60s+
Charles Barnard D-206
Faithful Followers, Ladies, 60s+
Cathy Wiggins D-204
Sunshine Sisters, Senior Ladies, 70+
Sandra Gray D-202